速報APP / 商業 / Scream Energy

Scream Energy





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Toronto, Ontario Canada

Scream Energy(圖1)-速報App

Scream Energy is an energy management and auditing system designed to drive consumers to make more informed decisions about their energy consumption. Whether you are an owner, renter or property manager, Scream Energy helps you track and monitor your real estate and utility costs. Scream Energy seamlessly and securely communicates energy data at your fingertips. This energy management tool works for residential, commercial, agricultural, MUSH and industrial properties and displays all of your energy data for multiple properties across a single GPS based Dashboard. Our Cloud Sync feature allows you to profile all your properties into one account with the ability to mobilize all your energy data across all of your connected devices.

Scream Energy goal is to help you better understand how to conserve energy, save money, and manage your building’s carbon footprint and GHG tracking.


-Provides an easy energy manager for all of your buildings energy data and information

-Allows you to track and graph your utilities bills

- Supports over 200 different currencies and hundreds of utilities around the world

Scream Energy(圖2)-速報App

- Attach utility statements to keep track of important information

- Use the “Share/Import” features to integrate and analyze energy data

- Share information in various formats (Excel, Flat File and XML)

- Share energy data with other trusted apps on your device

- Import information using standardized XML and CSV files

- Enter information manually in our “smart” information entry tools

Scream Energy(圖3)-速報App

- Scan the provided bar code or automatically download information from chosen utility (if provided)

Please note: Without a Scream Energy account, you will not be able to use all the provided features. When you are given the opportunity to sign up for an account, it is used to personalize the experience and manage enhancements including options to control your information on multiple devices and OSs.

New features coming soon:



Green Button – meter retrieval

Scream Energy(圖4)-速報App

Integrating other technologies and third parties

Scream Energy(圖5)-速報App